A sit-in in Urmia University of Technology
AZOH: According to SASM reports from Urmia University 7 years have passed since establishment of Urmia University of Technology whereas Dr Mirzayi has been responsible for chairmanship of the university.
He who has in his records limitless support of Ahmadinejad during the events of elections 1388, now after 7years put pressure and make university as a garrison, is in a very bad situation in terms of hegemony. The chief who was seen early years every day in the office and campus, currently he even does not attend in his classes. Now all students know him as a cheater and impostor man who all his mind and thoughts is to use his position and potential of university in favour of personal gain alongside Urmia's representative in parliament ( Jahangirzadeh) who was the vice chair and deputy of Saeed Emam.
It can be named examples of the chief's activities! such as set up a query plan to replace the short and un-crowded road of university to the city which through the price of marginal land of proposed and imaginary road fill his pocket, sell dedicated dormitories through putting pressure to organization by Jahangirzadeh and thousand other useful! activities.
Because of all these reasons after publication of empowerment of academic and university organizations, on Saturday 29th September the courtyard of university demonstrated a sit-in and gathering of students to protest against the chief, as the operator arm and watching eyes of Student Movement.
In this community which had been formed by 500-600 of 1500 students, some of students expressed their demands spontaneously. The main demands were as follows:
1) Restore and revival of scientific associations which have not been allowed to operate on the false pretexts. ( 9 community of 11 were closed.)
2) Glasnost and removement security guards from university (On the pretext of making an Islamic university)
3) Permission for student publications ( Currently there is just one magazine owned by Basij organization, while each semester nearly 20 publications request are applied.)
4) Respect students by university authorities, including isolation of education and accommodation ( If a student doesn't pay off the debt of dormitory, won't be allowed to study and select the programmes.)
It should be noted although the atmosphere of this students gathering was heavily controlled by security guards and uniformed security forces were present there among the students.
However in the middle of the sit-in, students by chanting "Mirzayi, resignation, resignation" slogan demanded removal of chairman from his position. Accordingly a campaign is taking shape to request his dismissal.
However the University of Technology will spend tumultuous days like fire under the ashes.