سخنرانی نماینده ای از آذربایجان جنوبی در سمینار "فدرالیسم در خاورمیانه" در پارلمان اروپا+ تصاویر+ ویدیو

آذوح: روز چهارشنبه ی هفته ی گذشته، 10 مهر، نماینده ای از آذربایجان جنوبی با حضور در سمینار "بررسی مسیر فدرالیسم در خاورمیانه" به بیان دیدگاههای خود پرداخت.

به گزارش آذوح خانم آیدا کریملی به نمایندگی از هیات آذربایجان جنوبی در این سمینار شرکت داشته و به عنوان اولین سخنران مراسم، در حضور جمعی از اعضای پارلمان اروپا، رئیس سازمان یو ان پی او و نمایندگان رسانه ها ضمن بررسی وضعیت ملتهای غیرفارس ساکن در ایران، به طور اختصاصی به آذربایجان جنوبی اشاره نمود.

از شرکت کنندگان در این سمینار که با همکاری دو تن از اعضای پارلمان اروپا و سازمان یو ان پی او در مقر پارلمان اروپا در بروکسل برگزار شد می توان به آقای توننه کیلام(عضو کمیته ی سیاستهای خارجی و همچنین کمیته ی دفاع و امنیت پارلمان اروپا)، آقای مارکو اسکورریا(عضو کمیسیون ویژه ی ایران و همچنین کمیته ی فرهنگ و آموزش)، آقای روک کوژج(مدیر دبیرخانه ی سیاستهای خارجی پارلمان اروپا)، آقای مارینو بوسداخین(رئیس سازمان یو ان پی او)، آقای ویلیام اسپنسر(مدیر اجرایی موسسه ی حقوق بین الملل و حقوق بشر IILHR) و نمایندگانی از تشکیلاتهای بلوچ و کرد اشاره نمود.

خانم آیدا کریملی در سخنرانی خود در بخش "ترکیب قومی در ایران" در پانل اول این سمینار، با طرح سوال "ایرانی چه کسی است؟" به ارائه ی پیش زمینه ای از وضعیت ملتهای غیر فارس در ایران پرداخت و نمونه هایی از سیاستهای تبعیض آمیز رژیم ایران را ذکر نمود. وی با بیان اینکه بیش از 70 درصد جمعیت ایران را غیرفارسها تشکیل می دهند، ملتهای غیرفارس را قربانی حاکمیتهای مرکزی ایران در 100 سال گذشته دانسته و از لزوم تغییر دیدگاه دولتهای اروپائی نسبت به ملتهای غیرفارس ساکن در ایران سخن گفت. ایشان در ادامه با اشاره به وضعیت فعلی عربها، بلوچها، کردها، لرها و ترکمنها گوشه هایی از ظلمهای وارده بر آنها را بیان داشت.

خانم کریملی سپس به آذربایجان جنوبی پرداخته و ضمن بررسی قیامهای پیشه وری و خرداد 85، قتل عام 30هزار نفری و کتابسوزان در آذر 1325 و توهین روزنامه ی ایران را به مثابه نمونه های عینی ژنوساید عنوان نمود. وی در ادامه با اشاره به فاجعه ی حشکانده شدن اورموگولو توسط رژیم ایران، تعدادی از دلایل آن را برشمردند. سیاستهای رژیم ایران مبنی بر کوچاندن ساکنین آذربایجان جنوبی به مناطق دیگر، نابودی اراضی کشاورزی و اقتصاد آذربایجان و همچنین مسایل اتمی مربوط به اورموگولو از اهم این دلایل عنوان گردیدند.

ایشان در پایان سخنان خویش با بررسی فدرالیسم در ایران، آن را به دلیل عدم وجود ساختارهای دموکراتیک در بستر جامعه و همچنین عدم اعتقاد و باور اپوزیسیون فارس به همکاری با دیگر ملتها امری بسیار سخت و دور از دسترس دانست. وی مبارزه برای حق تعیین سرنوشت را مبارزه ای دانست که ملتهای غیرفارس در هر حالتی ادامه خواهند داد و به نتیجه خواهند رساند.

در ادامه ی مراسم هر یک از سخنرانان به بیان دیدگاههای خود پرداخته و در پایان هر پانل، نمایندگان رسانه ها نیز سوالهایی را با سخنرانان مطرح نمودند. از موارد جالب در میان سوالات طرح شده، می توان به وضعیت فعلی ترکمنها در عراق و همچنین تغییر هویت ملی ساکنین آذربایجان جنوبی اشاره نمود.

یکی از نمایندگان ترکمن حاضر در سمینار با اشاره به پروسه ی فدرالیسم در عراق، آن را یک نمونه ی بسیار ناموفق فدرالیسم در خاورمیانه بیان داشته و این پروسه را تنها به نفع سیاستهای کردهای عراق دانست. وی با اشاره به اشغال کرکوک توسط نیروهای کرد، از بروز حادثه ای مشابه در ایران ابراز نگرانی نمود. در عین حال خانم کریملی نیز در پاسخ به سوالی در مورد مرزهای جغرافیایی ملتهای ساکن در ایران ضمن برشمردن مواردی از بایکوت حرکت ملی آذربایجان جنوبی توسط اوپوزیسیون فارس، به تلاش رژیم ایران و اپوزیسیون بر تغییر هویت آذربایجانیها اشاره کرد. وی گفت که "آذری" نام دادن ترکهای آذربایجان جنوبی، نقطه ی مشترک و همکاری نیروهای رژیم و نیروهای اپوزیسیون فارس است.

گفتنی است خانم آیدا کریملی به عنوان نماینده ی تشکیلاتهای آذوح و گادپ در این سمینار حضور یافتند.

این مراسم از ساعت 14 روز چهارشنبه آغاز و پس از 2.5 ساعت به کار خود پایان داد. طبق تصمیم هیات اجرائی سمینار، این جلسات پس از این نیز به شکلی تخصصی تر ادامه خواهد یافت.

Honorable members of the European parliament, representatives of UNPO, panel guests and audience,

My name is Ayda Karimli and I’m here on behalf of Southern Azerbaijan alliance.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let’s start with the fundamental question - what is being Iranian?

In the eyes of the world community, is being Persian.

In the eyes of the Iranian regime it’s also being a man and a Shia-Muslim devoted to the principles of the Islamic republic.

- However, the situation is more complicated than that. The true composition of the people of Iran stretches far beyond this misconceived picture.

The population of Iran is estimated to 77 million people.

Of this 77 million people, approximately 70 % are of non-Persian origin.

Iran consists of a wide range of different ethnical composition and national belongings such as the Arabs, the Baluchis, the Kurds, the Turkmens, the Lors and of course the Turks.

Iran´s chauvinistic policy works with clear guidelines on the different ethnicities within the country. They use out systematic approach to achieve its goals, which are: assimilate the people, twist their history, destroying their economy and erase the ethnic boundaries by systematically mix the various peoples and create conflicts between the different peoples.

The racist policy is shown in the strategic placement of factories and industrial development to only the Persian regions of the country. Millions of people are forced to move in order to maintain their economical-survival.

The total destruction of the environment of the different ethnics, ensures that the different regions definitive shall be bound to the Persian regions and the Persian regime.

Clear examples are the Karun River, Hamun Lake and Urmia Lake.

Let’s begin with the situation of the Arabs of Al Ahwaz. The Arabs are concentrated to among the richest geographic parts due to assets of oil; nonetheless the Arabs are among the poorest ethnical groups.

The Baluchis are considered being even more financially vulnerable as the poorest ethnicity, living in the driest areas of Iran and also being exposed to yet even more vulnerability belonging to the Sunni- Muslim community.

Moving on to the Kurds of Iran, the Kurdish people are today deprived of cultural and linguistic rights. Especially during the revolution years the Kurds sustained many casualties when challenging supporters of an Islamic republic with arm.

The Turkmens, ethnically belonging to the Turks of Iran are also Sunni-Muslims. They have not once, but twice claimed self-determination rule during both the revolution leading to the Pahlavi regime and also during the Islamic revolution. Attempts which suffered a great number of casualties.

The Lor people are historically a separate nation, but is today due to heavily cultural assimilation regarded as a part of the Persian ethnicity.                            

Azerbaijani Turks are the majority of Iran with an estimated population of 35 million.

In a historical overview of the last thousand years of Turkish rule in the area of Iran the last being the Gajar rule, it is known that the different ethnical groups had the right of linguistic and cultural rights.

After 1925 as the Pahlavi regime entered power, Persian assimilation took form as ”one nation, one language and culture”. Obviously the discontentment was great, as Iran was and is a multi-ethnical region.

1945, Southern Azerbaijan became an independent state. The Azerbaijani People’s Republic, was established. During this short time of independence, the Turkish language became official in schools and radio stations.

Independence, however, only lasted for a short time. After a year the Soviet Union and Iran again fought bloody battles for the state in a process which killed approximately 35,000 people and thousands were imprisoned, all in two days.

All the books found to be published in the Azerbaijani language were burnt, acts that we regard to be a form of cultural genocide.

Further on, in May 2006, a discriminating caricature was published in “Iran”, Iran’s official magazine portraying Turks as cockroaches who feed of the Persian people’s toilet.

Let us be reminded that this also was the same propaganda that was used in both Nazi-Germany as well as during the genocide in Rwanda. On 22th of May, hundreds thousands of Southern Azerbaijanis demonstrated in Tabriz and other cities of Southern Azerbaijan as a reaction. During this uprising hundreds of protesters were killed and injured, and thousands more imprisoned. An international human catastrophe that ironically received no international attention.

Furthermore, one of our most urgent matters concerns the Lake of Urmia, the world’s second largest saltwater lake.

The out drying of Lake Urmia is one of the largest environmental disasters of the 21th century.

The construction of 47 dams on the rivers leading water to the lake combined with Iranian regime’s chauvinistic politic has led to the out drying of 75% of lake Urmia.

Just as the Aral Lake the problem is not the water disappearing but the salt that remains creating terrible salt storms witch effects both the health of the people living in the area and the environment of the region.

So why would the regime do this?

Scattering the geographic concentration of the Turkish people by harming the environment where they live.

Destroy the economy and infrastructure to weaken the people of southern Azerbaijan and to put them against each other.

The water that remains is heavy water and the salt that comes out is unbelievably rich in uranium; you make the connection, we have proof.

Are the outside world and the international community aware of the situation in Iran? - Both yes and no.

Unfortunately, ignorance is great because the information coming out of Iran is often partial and misleading.

The international community is also afraid of a long and bloody civil war in Iran that may directly affect the whole region's peace and security.

The Persian regime is playing on this fear, thereby preventing that a peaceful and non-violent solution can be achieved.

The regime of Iran lies on a dictatorial and chauvinistic structure.

A sustainable and just political solution, respecting the right of self-determination for the people of Iran, can be found in a democratic, secular and federal political rule. This means dividing the power equally between the different groups in Iran. However, here within lie two specific difficulties. Firstly, a democratic norm still has not in full sentence been grounded in the society. Second more, the Persian ruling groups as well as the Persian political opposition are not committed to the idea of shared power, as history proves.

Sustainable development and peace can only be achieved through a strong foundation of democracy and equality. This in turn can be achieved through a federal solution.

A dictator cannot turn into a democrat, do not fall for Ruhani´s act. A tyrant is always a tyrant.

Furthermore Iran's structure is based on a supreme leadership, currently being Ayatollah Khamenei. It is his word and not Ruhani´s that decides Iran’s and its people’s future.

Still, dozens of prominent Azerbaijani activists have been detained in Iranian regime's prisons for months. Detention and torture have been the minimum response for their sincere work for the liberation of their people from occupation and oppression. Thousands of non- Persian freedom fighters who struggle to maintain their existence and identity are tried, jailed and killed. Iran's regime still answerers back without any compassion and fairness.

But let’s be aware that the struggle will continue and the people of Azerbaijan, just as all people of Iran, won't be exhausted on their way to realize their full national and cultural rights.

The Southern Azerbaijani national movement is a non-violent and secular movement that believes in self-determination and equality for all people. We believe in a democratic solution that is based on the power and the will of the people.





